National Preparedness Month: Financially preparing for an emergency

Unfortunately, you can't predict when bad things are going to happen. That's why preparing for an emergency is something you can't afford to put off. This month is National Preparedness Month, and we want to help you prepare for financial emergencies...
School Shopping

How to save your money & possibly your sanity when shopping for school supplies

Students ever-growing needs for new backpacks, more supplies, and the latest clothes—paired with the rising price of supplies—can really overwhelm families. To get the most out of your money this school year, take a look at these tips
military family

Protecting yourself at home: Personal finances for military families

Being a military family presents a unique set of challenges—family separations, deployments, and additional moving costs. The duties of a service member create many extra burdens that civilian families don’t have to deal with, which makes it even more important for them to have a handle on their budget.

Top Tips to Buy a New Car on Presidents Day

When it comes to buying a car, timing the purchase right can significantly increase your chances of getting a good deal. Customers have more leverage in negotiations during seasons when dealerships are under a lot of pressure to meet the monthly sales quotas; Presidents Day weekend is one of these times.